Monday, March 30, 2009


Hehe so today is my FRIDAY WOO!!!! I am so excited to have a day off. It seems like I have been working way too much. Ugh! Anyways....that's about all I have to say!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Lol that's what I'm used to seeing. Cuz I don't have anything exciting to talk about! All I really do is work at the Crab Shack. Well Marissa will be working with me starting tomorrow! I think she'll like it. Um.....Beau is still good.....Charlie is still cute as ever....and I'm just the same as always! So exciting! I need to do something interesting I think. Hmmmm.....well here's a pic.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Finally, my internet is back on! I haven't got much to update except that Charlie got a new awesome Harley Davidson spiked collar and he looks so cute in it.

It was a gorgeous day today and he went on his first walk! He seemed to like it even though it was a little windy. Other than that, Not much new with me, just work work work! Ya, not so exciting. Hmm.